What a year it has been for this project. First, as many of you know, right after I had finalized the book deal for SISI, we had an unlikely and shocking medical emergency in our family. Then, right around the time that final edits on SISI were due to my editor, we had another “launch” happen with the birth of our baby girl! So, it’s been a busy year, to say the least, and as a result, I was just not able to pour as much of myself into the launch of SISI as I would have liked. I felt sad about that, because this book truly is special to me, and I hated to think that perhaps I was “short-changing” it in some ways, simply due to my divided time and focus and energy. I wanted the story of this incredible woman and her fascinating life to reach as many readers as possible, and I wanted this book to travel as far and wide as possible. But life had other plans, and I just had to make my peace with the fact that I was in a particular season of life. And that, as a result, this book’s launch just could not be priority numero uno. I had to just accept that fact. And I did.
Well, I needn’t have worried, because all of you, the absolutely amazing readers, helped me to launch this book in ways that humble and inspire me! I cannot even begin to tell you how deeply grateful I am to all of you for reading the book, talking about the book, posting about the book, and cheering SISI on! In this moment I don’t really have the right words to fully express it, but please just know that I am sending out some powerful gratitude to all of you right now.
I’ll keep you updated as SISI continues to make its way out in the world. For now, happy reading, and please know how much I appreciate your support. I said that this book was special to me, and so this news is, as well. And even more so, so too are each of you, the wonderful individuals who make up the community that allowed this book to “launch.”
With my biggest and greatest and most heartfelt gratitude,