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New Review from Book Reporter

Originally published in Book Reporter

51fwctuV3IL._SX333_BO1,204,203,200_Historical fiction loaded with court intrigue featuring a strong female lead is right in my wheelhouse. SISI was all that and more for me. I fell in love on page one and was heartbroken at the end. I’ve never been happier with a book.

Married at 16 to the Emperor of the Austrian Empire, Elisabeth, known affectionately as Sisi, is considered to be the most beautiful woman in the empire and beyond. Under the jewels and silk, Sisi falters under the pressure of the Viennese court. She’s stifled by the protocol she must adhere to — baffled by how easily her husband and children so readily accept the court structure and its strict etiquette — and what she longs for is to explore, to be free of the prying eyes and ears of the court”. Read full review here.

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