Here’s the link to the book talk with Literary New England on The Traitor’s Wife. Enjoy!
Happy Wednesday morning, all!
I’m back in Chicago after a few weeks of book-tour-traveling and it’s a busy day here. This morning I had a great talk with Literary New England, an online radio community of thousands of active and engaged readers and writers. The link from that discussion will be live online this coming Monday, and I will be sharing it as soon as I have it. So, stay tuned for that.
Later today I will be heading over to Chicago’s Barnes & Noble store at Old Orchard. If you are in the Chicago area, I’d love to see you there at 3pm CST. Getting over to the bookstores to see the books, sign them, and meet the readers and book sellers is one of the best parts of this whole experience.
I’ll have more updates in the coming days on some big media and further book travels. Until then, happy reading!