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BIG ANNOUNCEMENT! Read the news here…

These past two months, I’ve traveled the country speaking to reading groups, libraries, literary festivals, bookstores, and countless other inspiring and fascinating groups of readers throughout the launch of The Accidental Empress. A HUGE thanks to all of you for helping to make it such a thrilling and successful book launch and tour.  I’ve had the pleasure and honor of seeing so many of YOU along the way!

Without fail, one of the first questions that always comes up at these meetings and book talks is: what’s next?

Well, I’m elated to share that news first, here and now, with all of you. Please check out the brand new release (below), hot off the presses from Random House, answering just that question!

The best news of all? The next book means more SISI! So, for all of you who have told me that you were left wanting more at the end of The Accidental Empress — fear not! The second half of the inspiring and rich life-story of Empress Elisabeth of Austria-Hungary promises to come jam-packed with all of the intrigue, drama, love and glamour that you enjoyed in The Accidental Empress. The next book will pick up right where the first one left off, and will take us (and Sisi) through the rocky and turbulent years that lead right into the Habsburg family declaring World War I. Buckle up, because if you think you’ve seen drama, wait for the second half of Sisi’s life. Here’s the big announcement that makes it “official”:


News from Random House 

Random House has acquired the next novel about the beloved Habsburg Empress Elizabeth “Sisi” by New York Times bestselling author Allison Pataki. Vice President, Executive Editor Kara Cesare bought World Rights in a heated auction from Lacy Lynch at Dupree Miller & Associates.


In her new novel about the life of Empress Sisi, Pataki vividly captures the dynamic heroine as she came into her own as one of history’s most captivating–but often forgotten–leading ladies, revealing a deeper, more intimate story of those she loved, the complexities of being a mother and wife in her imperial role, the tragedies she weathered, the colorful men who fought for her heart, and the iconic status she acquired at the helm of Europe’s most dazzling empire. With a mesmerizing cast of supporting characters such as Bavaria’s Mad King Ludwig, Hungary’s Count Julius Andrassy, and the ill-fated heir Crown Prince Rudolph, Pataki unveils the lush, evocative, and never-before-told story of a woman who had an indelible impact on this rich and volatile period of the 19th century.


Allison Pataki is the author of the highly praised commercial historical novels THE TRAITOR’S WIFE and THE ACCIDENTAL EMPRESS, her first novel on Empress Sisi. The daughter of former New York State Governor George E. Pataki, Allison worked in journalism for several years before she was inspired to write about Sisi, thanks to her family’s deep roots in the former Habsburg empire of Austria-Hungary. Allison is the co-founder of the nonprofit birthright organization, ReConnect Hungary. She graduated cum laude from Yale University with a major in English and is a regular contributor to The Huffington Post and, and is a member of The Historical Novel Society.

And speaking of The Accidental Empress — that book continues to reach readers and inspire them to dive into the first half of the lush and dramatic history of Empress Sisi and the Habsburg Court. Will you help me to reach new readers by taking a moment now to review the book on AmazonBarnes & NobleBooks-A-Million, or any other retailer of your choice? Would you consider sharing the book with a friend, a relative, a book club, or your Facebook community? Or how about giving The Accidental Empress as a Mother’s Day gift?

As always, I am blown away by your support and enthusiasm, and I can’t thank you enough for welcoming me and Sisi into your life. I wish you a wonderful weekend and lots of happy reading!

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